What is a Team Captain?
Team Captains will be a liaison between Dance Marathon and their organization! They will attend biweekly meetings with their appropriate director, staff, and the Vice President of Campus Relations to keep in touch with all initiatives and projects. The Team Captain will also work to help USCDM become more involved in supporting your organization’s initiatives and projects! The Team Captain will also work with the Vice President of Finance and Vice President of Campus Relations to create and track team fundraising and registration goals. Finally, the team captain will hold meetings for their organization members who are involved with USCDM to make sure everyone is up to date with Dance Marathon events, push days, fundraising efforts, and more.
Expectations of a USCDM Team Captain:
1. Attend biweekly meetings with their director, staff and the VP of Campus Relations
2. Host monthly meetings with your organization members regarding Dance Marathon initiatives
3. Create and track fundraising and registration goals for your team