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Employee Matching

Have you considered that your company might match your donation and multiply your contribution? Every company has its own guidelines for matching. 

If your company matches contributions to Prisma Health Midlands Foundation  

1. If your company uses an online platform for gift matching, submit an online gift matching verification form through your company’s portal and use the information listed below as the destination for your contribution. To be appropriately matched in the most efficient manner, we encourage matching through our preferred donation location listed below. Prisma Health Children’s Hospital in the Midlands  is our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital and it is easiest to complete your employee match through this local option.

2. Obtain a matching gift verification form from your Human Resources Department. Complete the form and list our organization name below. If you directed your donation to Children’s Miracle Network, please email with a copy of the matching gift verification form.

Primary Donation Location*

Prisma Health Foundation address: 1600 Marion Street, Columbia S.C. 29201


EIN/TIN: 57-0725699

Charitable Organization Section:

Prisma Health Midlands Foundation

ATTN: Joanna Dyches 

Memo:  University of South Carolina Dance Marathon

PLEASE NOTE: If you are selecting this preferred donation location, please do not list University of South Carolina Dance Marathon or Children’s Miracle Network as the matching entity. Many companies will not accept this request, as our tax exempt status is included under the larger umbrella of Prisma Health Children’s Hospital in the Midlands. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to Joanna Dyches, Events Manager at Prisma Health Midlands Foundation at

PLEASE NOTE: Notify our Vice President of Finance Tyler Maple at whenever a matching gift request has been submitted. The matching gift will be attributed to the individual who received the original donation. Please allow 60 days to process your donor match before further inquiry as it can often be a lengthy process. Thank you for multiplying your miracles!


Important - Please do not fill out any forms sent with checks; instead turn them in directly into the Vice President of Finance Tyler Maple (

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